project 365-2017; days 78-84

This week was Spring Break for us. Luke took a few days off work, which is always a welcome treat, but we had a lot to do with regards to the house project so it didn’t quite feel like a vacation. We had ideas of taking the girls to Indianapolis for a night or doing something a little more exciting, but we really just stayed close to home (with the exception of a one night excursion to New Albany, Indiana, which I wrote about in my recent tree house update). I think the girls enjoyed the week regardless, but I couldn’t help but feel guilty (and a little jealous) that we didn’t plan something out of the ordinary for them. I had this conversation with friends over lunch this week — if it weren’t for social media showing me what everyone else was doing, I would probably think our Spring Break was just fine. We spent time together. We enjoyed eating out more than usual. We visited family. We got to see Papa during daytime hours. Comparison is the thief of joy, and I must remember that…always.

So, here is a glimpse at our Spring Break. Call it ordinary. Call it boring. Call it whatever… but we call it ours.

Luke gets the tire swing spinning so fast it makes me sick to watch, but these girls eat it up. They couldn’t stand up once they got off the swing because they were so dizzy, but their smiles tell you they wouldn’t have it any other way!

Charlotte hasn’t been allowed to watch YouTube videos for a few weeks because she gave that up for Lent (thank you, Jesus…literally). However, she has had fun exploring some educational apps, and Noelle was being a good big sister and reading the directions to her.

Noelle mastered her little bike, so we followed through on our promise to get her a “big girl” bike. She is so proud of this thing and is doing great riding it through the neighborhood. 

The big girls were distracted by something else, so when I found Shiloh, she was quietly playing with their Legos. I am sure the quiet part was on purpose as she didn’t want to be found, but I couldn’t resist a shot of her adorable little ponytail (and yes, she loves this dress/shirt — she is photographed in it weekly!).

One of our excursions this week took us to the girls’ favorite dessert place, Berry Winkle. It has been brutal having gestational diabetes and watching them enjoy their treats, but I suppose I am willing to deal with it to see their happy, messy faces.

Luke had to leave for a conference toward the end of this week, which really put a damper on the end of Spring Break. We all miss him terribly when he is gone. 

As previously mentioned, I am on my own for a few days. I try to pass the time by doing fun things with the girls. I built a fort in the living room, gave them frozen pizza, and they enjoyed popcorn while watching a movie. I am relieved that it still takes very little to make them so happy.

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