• The one about accountability

    At the turn of 2016, I decided I wanted this year to be “the” year that I actually cared for myself. Not about myself. For myself. I have always cared about myself. I hope everyone cares about themselves! 

    But caring for myself? Not so much. 
    Between caring for my children and caring for my husband and caring for my career and caring for my commitments and caring for my family and caring for my friends and caring for literally everything else on this planet….I simply ran out of time, or cares, for myself. 
    Ahh, yes. 2015. The Year of What Wasn’t. 
    I wasn’t healthy. 
    I wasn’t happy.
    I wasn’t the person I wanted to be.
    I wasn’t.
    But this year, THIS YEAR, I decided that I was going to be #1 in my own life. Doesn’t this sound strange? Can you believe I just said that? Yes. You heard it correctly. I am going to be #1 in my own life.
    Before my husband. Before my children. Before everyone and everything (except God. Not going to mess with that). 
    How could I be this selfish? How could I think so much of my own needs and not the needs of my loved ones?
    Well, see, I have this ability that I believe most humans also have, where I can actually manage to care about my own needs AND the needs of my loved ones, simultaneously! There is enough room in my brain and my heart to allow me to have a life, dreams, interests, activities, and proper self-care in addition to the life, dreams, interests, activities, and care of my family. 
    Shocking, I know.
    I think we all have that ability…it is just about making it a priority. It is about making YOU the priority. 
    Don’t get it twisted. I am not talking about skipping your daughter’s dance recital so you can go shoe shopping with friends (but if you did that, I wouldn’t judge you too harshly). I am talking about finding the time in your day that you already have and doing something productive with it for your own self-care. 
    This is why, when I exercise, I do it at 5:15 a.m. It is not fun to wake up that early, but that is the best time in my schedule to exercise. It guarantees that I get it done ahead of my busy day, and I can’t lose my motivation as the day goes on. It also helps to keep me on track with eating right because I don’t want to “ruin” all the hard work I put in at the crack of dawn.
    It works for me, so I am going to keep doing it that way.
    I find the time to plan meals and go to the grocery instead of eating out constantly. This is a sacrifice on my part because I meal plan and grocery shop typically in the evenings so I don’t have to include my children in this task. I would rather watch TV or do some deep couch sitting, but having a plan is essential to success, in my opinion. 
    I also prep our school lunches as well as my breakfasts and lunches once per week, typically on Sundays. I wash and chop fruits and veggies. I portion out protein, and I cook a few things ahead. Again, this isn’t my favorite way to spend a couple hours or so on a Sunday, but it has to happen or else french fries become my main food group for the week. 
    What I am trying to say is that these practices are sacrifices, but this is a way that I am putting myself first. See? It doesn’t look selfish and rude. It looks healthy and happy, and that is what I am going for.
    I am about to start my 4th round of the 21 Day Fix program, but this is my 2nd round of the extreme version. I am going to share my meal plans and updates with you to keep myself accountable, and also to give you some ideas or inspiration if you are also trying to take better care of yourself. 
    I strongly believe that you cannot care for others if you do not first care for yourself. I want to be the best, happiest, healthiest mama for my girls, and taking care of myself is where it begins. 
    I would love it if you shared any recipes or meal plans that make your tummy happy! I am always looking for new ideas.
    And no, I am not a Beachbody or fitness coach…but if you need one, I know a few!
  • the one about friday/sunday favorites 3.13.16

    Yeah, yeah. I have failed you.

    My goal was to do my Friday Favorites on Fridays (imagine that!?). I missed last week because I was hosting a baby shower at my house and simply couldn’t get it done in between stashing the giant mounds of laundry in hidden corners of my house.

    This past Friday, my Noelle turned 6, and I was too busy eating cake.

    But. BUT! I had some time this morning to really ponder what my favorite things are at the moment, and I am going to circle back around to my newfound love and obsession with these cosmetics.

    So, I present to you, Friday Favorites on Sunday (because we all wish that Sundays were Fridays, anyway).

    Maybe it’s silly. Maybe it’s vain. Maybe it’s frivolous. Maybe I don’t care? I am really trying to grow into owning my thoughts and feelings and wants in life, and I absolutely love putting my makeup on in the morning.

    I have always loved doing “makeovers” with friends and taking “glamour shot” photos with my parents’ Polaroid camera. My dad would buy the $15 film cartridge before he and my mom would leave for the night, and my best friend, Allison, and I would have crap tons of fun dressing up in my mom’s clothes, putting makeup on, and taking photos to document it all.

    I’m only slightly embarrassed to admit that we did that. I won’t share how old we were, but I will give you a hint. We were much older than we should have been.

    Anyway — when I was younger, I would use any allowance money I had to buy the cheap makeup at Target. As I have gotten older, I have enjoyed spending a little more money on higher quality products. You name it, and I have probably bought it at some point…Smashbox, Bare Minerals, Urban Decay, Too Faced, Benefit, Tarte, etc, etc, etc.

    And I have to say, I have been disappointed a few times after purchasing an expensive cosmetic item only to realize that it didn’t work the $55 worth of miracles that it promised. Into the graveyard of cosmetics it would go (the back of my makeup drawer), never really to be worn again.

    In my first Friday Favorites, I talked about how I had resisted the Younique brand for a variety of reasons. It seemed like everyone was selling it. It seemed like all the photos I saw online were of women and their mile long eyelashes that looked a little too extreme for daily wear. I would get Facebook messages from perfect strangers, inviting me to their online makeup parties. In general, I wasn’t a fan.

    Then, my friend, Candace, was running a sale, I think, and I just decided to try it. I started with the eyeliner, lipgloss, and the mascara (because I had to see what it was all about), and I was hooked. For a little while, I was embarrassed to admit that I loved it. I didn’t want to be just another bandwagon rider.

    However, I realized that you like what you like, and when you like something so much to keep buying it after it runs out, you feel like you want to share that love with everyone you know.

    So, here I am, including my five favorite products for a natural face. I think sometimes when we see photos online of this brand, we tend to think it looks too fussy or too heavy for everyday wear. I get it. I teach small children, and if I wear a bright lip color, they freak out and ask me about it all day. I have to, for the most part, keep it pretty natural and understated.

    Read on to learn a little more about the products that I have grown to love. Are these products pricier than drugstore brands? Yes. Are they worth it? I believe they are.

    1. Precision Pencil Eyeliner in Proper. I don’t wear black eyeliner as it looks too harsh with my coloring. I prefer a dark, dark brown, and this eyeliner is perfect. It wears all day long and sharpens nicely, which I love! My old favorite was a pencil from Too Faced, and each time I would sharpen it, the tip would continue to break in the sharpener. I even bought an expensive Urban Decay sharpener because the lady at Ulta swore that it was the sharpener that was breaking my pencil. Nope. Still broke every single time. This pencil sharpens great. I am still on my first pencil, and I think I purchased this one in October or November sometime. 
    2. Glorious Face and Eye Primer. I have never worn primer much before. I believe I wore some on my wedding day to help my makeup last, but I hadn’t given it much thought since. However, every presenter will tell you to order this stuff. My first bottle came with a collection I purchased, and from the second I put it on my skin, I knew I would wear this stuff forever. My skin is not smooth and problematic, so sometimes makeup doesn’t look that great sitting on top of it. The primer helps to smooth out any lines and imperfections, and it also locks your makeup in place the entire day. It also keeps the makeup from getting into your pores, so for someone who struggles with breakouts (still at nearly 32 years old), this is very helpful. You literally use a pea sized amount for your whole face, so this stuff lasts forever. I am still on my first bottle, and I have had it going on 5-6 months now. I bought a second one a little while back because I didn’t want there to be any chance of me going without. 
    3. Lucrative Lip Gloss in Luxe. I just stinkin’ love this lipgloss. I love that there is a mirror on the side of the tube. I love that it is smooth, not sticky, and tastes good. I love that even after I drink my coffee, there is still some on my lips. I love the variety of the colors. There is truly a shade for everyone. I own most of them! This color, Luxe, is my favorite for a natural lip color. It gives just enough color and shine with no sparkle. Glitter lipgloss is frowned upon after age 13, apparently. 
    4. Addiction Shadow Palette Number One. So, how many of you have been eyeing the Urban Decay Naked palettes for quite sometime now? I actually have purchased two of the Urban Decay versions. I honestly don’t know why I bought the second one, because I was disappointed after the first. First of all, most of the colors have glitter flecks in them (see #3 about glitter). Second of all, I noticed a huge amount of fall out from the Urban Decay shadows. This means that I would find powder under my eyes or near my cheek bones from the shadow not sticking to my eyelid and falling down onto my face. When I would go to clean it up, it would smear across my skin and ruin the rest of my makeup. 
    Unimpressed with the expensive Urban Decay palettes, I bought a knock-off version at Target. I didn’t care for this, either, because the colors were not vibrant once you applied them, and they creased and wore off very quickly. 
    So, I took a chance on the Addiction Shadow Palette, and holy mustard– I know why they call them “Addiction.” I started with Number Three, which is a pinky/purple toned palette. I absolutely LOVED how rich the colors were, how they didn’t fall down onto my face, and how they wore all day with no creasing (especially if you wear the primer on your eyelid before applying – see #2). The shadows are such high quality that they almost look like cream shadows on first appearance. They do not have large flecks of glitter, and every shade is wearable. You can create natural eye looks, dramatic eye looks, and everything in between. I love the palette idea because you know that any combination of the colors will go perfectly together. 
    After loving palette number three, I purchased number one. This is the brown/nude tones, and this is PERFECT for everyday wear. To me, this palette will work with all skin tones, all hair colors, and all eye colors. I wear this one nearly every day, and again, it is nowhere close to being gone. I apply them dry or wet for a more dramatic look. These suckers do. not. crease. They last from 6 am until 10 pm. I am not kidding. I wouldn’t lie to you. 
    I also love that these shadows are made in Italy. Everything about them feels rich.
    5. Beachfront Bronzer in Sunset. I wear bronzer year round as blush. I like the natural look, and I can always use a little color on my face. In the summer, I wear it a little more. Several months ago, I went to Ulta looking for a new bronzer that was not full of shimmer and also wasn’t the color of mud. I had one that I really liked from Too Faced for a while, and when that one finally ran out, I decided to purchase the Beachfront Bronzer in the color Sunset. This color is for lighter skin. I absolutely love this bronzer. It has a matte side and a shimmer side, but the shimmer is very subtle. The color is natural and not red or mud colored. When you are fair skinned and wear bronzer, it is important not to look like you just participated in a Tough Mudder. Unless you just participated in a Tough Mudder, and in that case, go on with your bad self. 
    So, can you tell I am obsessed? When you click the above links, you will see that I am listed as a “presenter.” I am not really a presenter. I have never hosted a party. I don’t have a presenter Facebook page. I am simply a presenter to get the presenter’s discount on my own products because it is silly not to.
    I dare you to replace one of your daily wear cosmetic items with one of these. You’ll be hooked, no doubt.
    What are some of your favorite products for a natural makeup look?

  • the one about the days

    Six years ago, I sat down to eat a fancy dinner with Luke at Olive Garden.

    It would be the last dinner we would have “just the two of us.” Sure, we have been out on dates without the kids since then, but upon the birth of our first child, we realized it would never truly be “just the two of us” again. Not in mind. Not in heart. Not in conversation.

    We were young. We were inexperienced. We were scared. We were excited. We were thrilled to have enough money in our bank account to eat at Olive Garden, given our incomes as 3rd year elementary teacher and 3rd year medical student.

    I remember what I wore. I remember what I ate. I remember that my nose had swollen to cover nearly 1/3 of my face. Pregnancy nose is real.

    I remember waking up after a night of very little sleep like a kid on Christmas morning. We had an induction scheduled at 38 weeks, 2 days, because even back then, my cervix was shitty. I had just watched the episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians where Kourtney Kardashian literally pulled her own child from her womb in the delivery room, and I was both thoroughly grossed out and secretly motivated to do the same.

    My expectations were a little skewed, to say the least.

    I think I have mentioned this before, but I remember having a very lengthy internal dilemma about whether or not I should remove my underwear when they gave me my hospital gown to change into.

    Silly, New Mama Me. Now a days, I prefer to just go flying onto the labor and delivery floor fully clothed until the last possible second and then POOF. The baby is out. Like magic.

    It takes years to work up to this level of skill, so be patient young grasshoppers.

    Alright, what was I talking about? Oh, yeah. Six years ago, I didn’t know anything about childbirth, taking care of a baby (outside of the robot baby I took care of for one night in high school), or raising a baby to be an awesome human being. I still don’t know much, but I am a little more experienced and a lot more comfortable with it all.

    With each pregnancy, with each child’s birthday, with each passing day, I come a little closer to letting go of perfect idea of motherhood I once put inside my soul and a little closer to accepting the “what is.”

    There are days when I am amazed by my patience and my flexibility. And then there are days when I am pretty sure my head spun around not once but twice mid-argument with a tiny human or two or three.

    There are days when I am proud of my productivity, time management, and organization of our calendars, bills, events, and papers (I didn’t say many days, but there are some days), and then there are days where I watch an undisclosed amount of shows that involve teen moms and housewives and little people.

    It’s called balance.

    Over the past six years, I have learned that there are days and then there are days.

    Whether good or bad, they pass by in a hurry.

    You’ll be shocked you survived day one.

    And then, before you know it, you’ll be standing there on day 2,191, tears rolling down your cheeks because, well…


    Make the days count.

  • the one about friday favorites 2.26.16

    Happy Friday! It’s our last Friday of February, which means the days are getting longer, the chances of snow are steadily decreasing, and Spring is on its way. I am so excited and ready for a new season.

    Tonight, I am sharing with you my favorite children’s “grooming” products. We have three girls, which means that we have products-a-plenty around our house. Our oldest daughter also has really sensitive skin, so we have to be choosy about what we use in her baths and as lotion. Our oldest daughter also has extremely curly hair. If we don’t stay on top of it, it can turn into dreadlocks very quickly. Combing her hair is a chore that all of us dread, and I recently went on the hunt for a new product to help her unruly mane.

    Thankfully, I found two new products that have worked wonderfully for us, and I am here to share them with anyone else out there who has a child with beautiful, tightly coiled curls.

    I also am including a fun new toothbrush and a comb that gets the job done.

    1. Firefly Light Up Timer Toothbrush at Target. While on one of my recent vacations trips to Target, I found these gems in the toothbrush aisle. We are trying to give our girls the responsibility of brushing their teeth each night, but we also have to make sure that they are doing a thorough job. Our middle daughter tends to just put the toothpaste on the brush and lick the toothpaste off, and this process typically lasts 32 seconds. These toothbrushes are not only extremely inexpensive (2.99 for two!), but they light up for 60 seconds, which helps the children know how long to brush their teeth. They also have suction cups on the bottom which helps them to stand upright on the counter, making for less chance of collecting yuck. 
    2. Ouidad Curl Recovery Whipped Curls Daily Conditioner and Styling Primer at Ulta. I went on a mission to find a product that would not only help detangle Noelle’s kinky curly hair, but would also make her hair shiny, manageable, defined, and soft. My journey led me to Ulta where I found this product. I love it because it feels like a thick whipped cream went you dispense it, but it truly coats the hair and makes combing through it much easier when wet. She went to bed with semi-wet hair, but when she woke up, she had defined ringlets and beautiful curls that also smelled wonderfully! The price is a little salty, but a little goes a long way. 
    3. Ouidad Botanical Boost Curl Energizing and Refreshing Spray at Ulta. I also picked up this spray to help tame and revive Noelle’s curls once they have been slept on and frizzed out a bit. The poor girl gets very wiry looking locks after a night of restless sleep, so rather than do the old “wet my hand then scrunch up her curls” trick, I purchased this spray which truly defines her curls and brings them back to life. 
    4. The Wet Comb Detangling Comb. I know that this majority of this post is centered around taming unruly, curly hair, but this is a huge struggle in our house, and I feel like I have finally settled upon the winning combination. I bought this comb at my local salon several months ago, and it has been the only thing that consistently works on Noelle’s hair without causing trauma. I will not lie and say that it is a completely tear-free experience, but this comb glides through Noelle’s hair while wet better than any other brush or comb we have tried– and believe me, we have tried a whole bunch. This comb has also done the trick for our extremely tender-headed Charlotte.
    5. Perfectly Gentle Bubble Bath by Honest Company. I have been singing the Honest Company’s praises for quite sometime. At first, I didn’t want to believe the hype that a bubble bath that costs twice as much as the bargain brands could actually be better for my kids, but, as it turns out, I should have switched a long time ago. As new moms, we almost always use the sweet smelling baby bath that everyone gives us as baby shower gifts. There’s nothing wrong with this stuff…unless you have a child with extremely sensitive skin…and then you realize you can’t use the stuff in the big yellow bottle. Once we switched to Honest Company products, Noelle’s skin calmed down, and her skin’s dryness and redness was greatly reduced. I really love this bubble bath. It has plenty of lather, smells like an orange creamsicle, and it is extremely gentle on skin as well as eyes. Create a bundle online to save money!
    What are some of your favorite children’s “grooming” products? Any other tricks of the curly trade that I need to know about?
    Have a fantastic weekend!

  • the one about friday favorites 2.19.16

    It’s been well over a month since I last posted anything. I wish so very much I could blame it on that month-long vacation I took to St. Thomas, but…no.

    If I have said it once, I have said it a thousand times. I get writer’s block. I go through phases where I am coming up with all kinds of things to write about, and then there are times when my brain is basically white noise, and if I were to write a blog post about it, it would read something like this:


    There are many days when I am convinced my brain has turned to mush, and then there are days when I can’t shut it off and I feel like I’m on a really cheap and unsafe carnival ride.

    So, I’m a mixed bag of tricks right now and you’re going to have to accept that.

    The hard truth is that I have many things I could write about, but most of those things are not what I should write about…at least publicly. I am exercising restraint. Go me.

    But, I need something to keep me writing. Something regular and fun and light and just a weekly brain dump. When I taught 4th grade, I would give my students a piece of blank paper sometimes and just have them write down whatever came to their minds…regardless of the quality or seriousness or relevance to anything. I called it “taking out the trash.” After this exercise, most students were more engaged, had better clarity, and could focus on the “actual” writing topic. Other students used the “trash” exercise as a starting point for an essay about why cats don’t wear underwear. So there’s that.

    It’s Friday, so I thought it would be fun to try my hand (fingers? keyboard? IDK) at my first Friday Favorites. I like to read the blog, Momfessionals, as well as my friend Tara’s blog, The Holcomb Home, and they do this cute thing with listing off their favorite things on Fridays.

    I like Fridays. I like favorites. Why not?

    I’m no Oprah, so I am not expecting you to run out and buy what I am favoriting, but it is always comforting to know how a real person feels about an item or product. And if you’re looking for a real person, I’m your girl.

    So, without further delay, here is my first Friday Favorites post!

    There’s no theme to this one. There might be themes in the future. Cupcakes could also be prescribed for weight loss, so anything is possible.

    1. Moodstruck Precision Brow Gel & Pencil by Younique in Dark. I seriously resisted the Younique cosmetics movement for the longest time. All I ever knew about the brand was the fiber mascara that made your eyelashes super long. I had no idea that their true gems (in my opinion) were the rest of their products. I bought a set from my friend who was selling, honestly, to support her and just give it a whirl. I fully expected that I wouldn’t care for it, or wouldn’t reorder, and I would be back to my Target / Ulta finds in no time. I was so crazy wrong. The simple truth is that I am addicted to nearly all of their products, and this brow duo is one of my favorites. I have very weak and wimpy brows. Very. They are too light for my natural hair color. They are sparse, and they don’t extend fully over my brow bone, so they have the appearance of “stopping short.” Does this make sense? So I use these two heroes together to fill in the areas that are thin and sparse with the pencil, and then the best thing is the gel. It has little fibers in it that stick to your brow hairs, so your natural brows end up looking thicker and fuller but with a more natural appearance than a pencil alone. I seriously, seriously cannot leave my house without doing my brows now, even if I am wearing no other makeup. These sets come in light, medium, and dark. 
    2. Lustro Face Oil 3 by Beauty Counter. Here’s another brand I had no idea existed until I started seeing a few posts on Facebook. I have super problematic skin. It is sensitive, prone to breakouts, and I just have never seemed to find a product that would work to help it with all of its issues. I have gone through phases with skincare. Remember my coconut oil and apple cider vinegar phase? I actually think my skin looked the best it has ever looked in those couple months that I was doing that routine, but eventually I got tired of the mess in my bathroom, and I fell out of the habit. I have started taking more time to pay attention to the chemicals and ingredients in skincare because I know that your skin absorbs a lot of these toxins and that can lead to some serious health issues. So, when Beauty Counter started being advertised on social media as a clean and natural skincare product, I decided to try it. I already was not afraid to put oil on my skin because I learned with the coconut oil idea that restoring the oils in my skin would keep it from over-producing more oil that clogs my pores. There are 3 formulations, and this one (#3) is for irritated skin like mine. It has chamomile and ylang ylang to calm my skin, and it feels like a spa treatment when I use it. Also, I know the price is a little high, but I seriously use 2 drops each day, and that is plenty. I have no idea when I will run out of this stuff. 
    3. BB Flawless Complexion Enhancer by Younique in Bisque. Here’s another Younique product that I cannot, and will not, live without. This BB cream is something special. As I mentioned in #2, my skin is problematic and sensitive. And it goes without mentioning that I am lazy sometimes (all the time) and don’t always remove my makeup before bed (GASP!). With other foundations and BB creams I have tried, if they sit on my skin overnight, I wake up to breakouts and irritation like crazy. However, what I have found since Younique also uses natural and quality ingredients, my skin is not harmed if I leave the makeup on while I sleep. In fact, the BB cream is so moisturizing that I think it helps my skin look better. I go back and forth on wearing foundation or BB cream, but I find that I gravitate more toward a lighter, more sheer coverage that I can build and add to with concealer in my trouble spots. I like to see my skin from underneath my makeup, and this BB cream works wonders for me. It is also extremely smooth to apply and has pretty amazing coverage for my temperamental skin. I can only imagine how much I will love this stuff in the summer. And also? It lasts forever. I have worn it every single day for probably 6 weeks, and I am not close to being out yet. I already have another one waiting in my drawer though…
    4. Pogo 40 oz Water Bottle from Target. I know the picture says 32 ounces, but Target sells one of the best and only 40 ounce water bottles I have found. I suppose you could say I have been on a bit of a wellness mission since the start of the new year, and one of my goals is to drink what amounts to a shit ton of water each day. I hate refilling my water bottles multiple times, and I also do not like the idea of consuming water from “disposable” water bottles. From what I hear, recycling those things does actually very little to help our environment. So, I happened upon this amazing water bottle on one of my rare trips to Target (ha!). There are so many things I love. The price ($10). The fact that it is slender and can fit in my car cup holder. The mouth piece is narrow and not one of those where you have to unscrew the entire lid to take a drink. There is not a straw (straws seem to be more work to clean and can get gunky really easily). The lid has a rubber component that forms a complete seal around the mouth piece, and so it really is VERY leak proof. This water bottle gets turned upside down in my bag multiple times a day, and I don’t have leaks if the lid is snapped on completely. It is durable and can withstand many drops and toddler Hulk Smashes. I also enjoy the finger loop for easy carrying. I can fill this baby up twice a day and consume 80 ounces of water in no time.
    5. Go-Dry High Rise Compression Leggings from Old Navy. I know what you’re thinking. High rise leggings? For the love of The Lord, what are you trying to sell me on here? Follow me for a moment. Have you ever been in the middle of a workout or simply bending down to get something you dropped and the waistband of your leggings collapses under the pressure of your muffin top? Well, if it hasn’t happened to you, consider yourself lucky or just too skinny to be my friend. I, for one, love the high waist feature of these leggings. It holds everything in, I don’t have to worry about anything flopping out or rolling over, and I feel more confident during my workouts. I wear these leggings to bed. I wear them for exercise. I wear them out in public with dressier shirts and boots. They are thick, versatile, flattering, and the bomb dot com.
    Disclaimer: Yes, if you clicked the Younique links above, you will see that you are taken to my “presenter” site. I signed up so that I could get the discount on my own products. When it gets to the point when you are placing 3 orders a month and hiding boxes from your husband in your closet, you might as well cut yourself a little break. I do not share these products with you to force you into ordering anything. I simply am sharing them because they are my favorites.
    Alright! How did I do? What are your Friday Favorites? I am dying to know.