• project 365-2017; days 43-49

    Another week of February gone….and another week of above normal temperatures. We have enjoyed some (freakishly) beautiful weather these past several days. Our family is all finally on the mend from our taking our turns with sickness. Impressively, the man of the house’s cold has seemed to linger the longest…. 😉

    I hope you enjoy another peek into our world.

    Noelle is obsessed with coloring, drawing, and anything ART. She loves to make pictures, cards, notes, and booklets. She copies things she sees in books, movies, and TV, but she also makes up her own doodles, too. She’s also super protective of these new, pointy crayons. Don’t think about mixing them with her sisters’ stumpy, broken crayons.
    Noelle’s favorite Spelling Choice homework activity is SpellingCity.Com. I am thankful that she never fights me on homework. I know it won’t always be like that.


    For Valentine’s Day, I made a special dinner at home for Luke and the girls, complete with plastic “wine” glasses (we drank sparkling grape juice), fancy plates, flowers, and chocolate fondue for dessert. Shiloh was a fan. 

    Noelle had a great check up at the dentist. We love Dr. Trout’s office and how good they are with the girls. She is keeping her teeth strong and healthy (what’s left of them…). No cavities!
    It’s the little things.

    This golden sunshine is Heaven-sent. The girls have loved playing outside so much this week. Noelle even dozed off for a few minutes on the tire swing.

    We went early to mass on Saturday evening so the girls could play on the school playground in the warm sun. Yep, Charlotte…you ARE awesome.

  • project 365-2017; days 29-42

    I bet you thought I quit on this little challenge, huh?

    The truth is, last week was way too busy for me to make an actual post, but thankfully I continued to pick up my camera, even when I didn’t want to. So this week’s post has 2 weeks’ worth of photos in it for your viewing pleasure.

    The sickness reached us this week. Noelle and Charlotte both battled fevers, aches, dizziness, and chills for a couple of days, and this tired, pregnant mama also has a sweet little version of a cold to deal with. We already know mamas don’t get sick days, so we have been surviving the best we can.

    Mother nature continues to screw with us here in Indiana. We have had 50-60 degree temperature days and 20 degree days with 3 inches of snow all in the same week. We are rapidly approaching Spring and we couldn’t be more excited!

    Disclaimer: Please note that in many of these photos, Shiloh is wearing the same clothes. This is not because I took multiple photos on the same day. It is because I have reached the stage in pregnancy where I am lazy. If the shirt is clean-ish and she wants to wear it 3 days in a row, I let her. Favorites around here are any shirt with a dog on it. She also usually is not wearing pants.

    Here we go!

    A messy play room drives me nuts, but the sight of this little one quietly loving on her baby makes it not as unbearable. 


    Luke is attempting to play a game with all three while I make dinner. I don’t know which is the more daunting task.


    Shiloh is unfortunately phasing out of her regular nap time, which seems a little premature given that she is only 2 1/2. However, if I can get her still for long enough, she usually falls asleep for at least a little while. Today’s spot of choice was on the couch while watching the iPad.

    It was Catholic Schools Week, which is a week where the kiddos get to have fun with assemblies, pep sessions, dress days, and other special events. This was an important day because the Bishop was visiting and eating lunch with the students. Noelle was so excited and wanted me to do her hair in the “special, big curls” so that she would look extra spiffy. 

    Sleeping Shiloh photos never get old. Because she soon won’t be my youngest baby. And because she won’t always do that thing that babies do with their thumbs/index fingers when they sleep.

    We do books every night. These girls have such a great dad to get excited about Disney Princesses. P.S. Tell me everyone else has this much junk on their couch at any given time. No? Lie to me then.

    We are spoiled with lots and lots of ultrasounds and pictures of this little guy thanks to some monitoring I need during pregnancy. I can’t help but think that he looks like his biggest sister in this one.
    Nothing more fun than crazy bathtub hair.

    Noelle is obsessed with Lego sets. She built this little mini set before school this morning.

    Shiloh got into the Bananagrams game and ended up spilling half of them on the floor. Oops!

    I think I had just finished telling someone that Noelle is our healthiest child (all of them are super healthy, really), and then I got a call from the school that she had a 103 degree fever. She spent the next two days like this, but she is better now.


    Shiloh thought the snowfall made the window a little too bright during her morning coloring. Good thing she had her shades.

    Super noisy image (noisy = photographer’s term for lots of grain) due to this being taken with darkness outside, near darkness inside (our living room is not well-lit), and not my best lens to handle such a task but I had to be quick. I tell myself years down the road I won’t care how much grit is in the image…I will just be happy that I captured the moment the girls had a dance party with their Papa. Not pictured: Noelle who was happily performing a solo dance routine in the corner.

    After 2-3 inches of snow, we got another 60 degree day by the end of the week. I loved coming home to these chalky handprints on the driveway after a day of errands.
  • project 365-2017, days 22-28

    We enjoyed some donuts at our favorite place, Concannon’s. 

    Indiana got a rare couple days of “Spring” in the dead of Winter this week. Noelle loves to ride her scooter around our neighborhood, and she was having fun showing off these new kicks (she puts them on right after school each day).

    Charlotte had fun playing in the box that the baby’s new car seat came in. 

    Is there anything cuter than bunny slippers on a two year old’s feet? I didn’t think so.
    We say prayers every night. I happened to catch Shiloh in action.


    It was 50 degrees at the beginning of the week. By the end, our deck had snow on it. Shiloh and I had fun watching the flakes fall. Indiana weather is so weird.

    With the tease of Spring, the girls got really excited to be back on their swings. It was super cold this day, but Shiloh loved doing fun tricks with her Pop.

  • project 365-2017, days 15-21

    More of our daily life in daily photos.

    I find her Beanie Boo collection a little creepy, especially when she lines them all up on her bed so they can stare at her while she sleeps. She loves them though. So much.
    No school for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day meant that we had a Girls’ Day. We started with manicures (by our favorite, Lilly) and then went to the movie theatre. Have you ever taken 3 children 6 and under to have their nails painted and to see a movie, alone? It’s hard. We had fun, though.

    Noelle was super excited to put together her 100 Days of School project. She chose to use 100 crayons. She of course had to arrange them in “rainbow order.” I did the hot-gluing, but she pulled the little hot glue snot strings off. Teamwork.

    We had our anatomy ultrasound. Baby is looking great (and definitely still a boy). Papa enjoyed this moment with Noelle, who already seems to be able to read ultrasounds really well. IU School of Medicine Class of 2036, here she comes!

    Shiloh likes to play hide and seek under the big girls’ bunk bed. Sometimes she has a little trouble getting out from under it. I love her face in this photo.

    This is the face she makes when she knows I have the camera. 

    This is how Noelle lets Papa pull her teeth (using dental floss). She now is missing both of her front teeth!

  • project 365-2017, days 8-14

    Another week of 2017 has already passed. I struggle to get excited about photographing daily life right now as it all seems to look the same. We are inside a lot due to the weather (tons of rain, very little snow). We are making a lot of messes. My daily routines are not what anyone would find interesting, but I suppose that is what makes this a challenge– finding the extraordinary in the ordinary and remembering the things we would have otherwise forgotten.

    Noelle was having an amazing hair day after a bath and fresh detangling session (which can often be extremely painful…for both of us).


    The older two were peacefully and happily playing together, and also wearing matching shirts…which I did not plan.

    Our drain pipe for the washer was frozen for a few days, which meant no laundry (yay) but also lots of laundry to catch up on once it thawed (boo). First order of business was washing Shiloh’s blankie. She was not happy. You can’t see her face, but she’s hysterically crying as she sees it tumbling in the dryer.

    I honestly loathe Play Doh. However, my girls love it, and they do entertain themselves for long periods of time while playing with it. 

    The big girls were having fun going through the clothes we have collected so far for the baby. They had fun holding each piece up and saying, “Isn’t this the cutest!?”


    All of our girls love to be tickled. It is part of our relaxation routine. Shiloh laid down and put her leg up on Luke’s chest, which obviously meant she needed some tickles.

    Shiloh was happily twirling in her Elsa dress (and clutching her orange sippy cup, too).